As a Center of Excellence for the care of Hidradenitis we use the most advanced equipment and technologies in your treatment and care
Dr. Som and our team is available day and night to help make sure you have the best experience and outcome
Dr. Som is double board certified in both Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery as well as General Surgery with special focus in advanced reconstruction and aesthetics to help treat hidradenitis with optimal cosmetic results
Our expert team will greet you and support you throughout your journey to help overcome Hidradenitis with family and team approach
Dr Som Kohanzadeh is a double board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and board certified general surgeon with extensive experience in treating patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) using the most advanced surgical techniques and technologies. He has made it an area of specialization and created a center of excellence for the treatment of HS at his practice and Robertson Surgical Institute. Creating such a center and using the most advanced techniques he has achieved excellent patient outcomes and attracted patients from around the world. Dr Som and his team are dedicated to the treatment of this painful condition to give patients a better and pain free lifestyle.
Hidradenitis Suppurative (HS), otherwise known as acne inversa, is a chronic (long term) disease affecting the apocrine sweat glands. It is an inflammatory skin condition caused by the malfunction in the body’s immune system resulting in scarring and recurrent infections of the apocrine sweat glands. This can present as small areas of infection like pimples or boils that can progress to abscess (pockets of infection) which eventually open and start drainage resulting in scarring. Unfortunately it affects a large number of people but is not well known in the general medical community. And thus proper treatment is often delayed. Once proper treatment is performed like that by Dr. Som and his expert team, the cure rate is over 90%. To learn more click on the link below
Learn MoreUnderarms (Axilla/armpits), Inner thighs, Underneath the breasts (Inframammary folds), Buttocks/Perineum, Groin area, Back of the Neck, Ears (Behind and in front of), Abdominal folds. To learn more click on the link below
Learn MoreDr. Som and his expert team will tailor a specific treatment plan based upon each persons symtpoms and presentation. After a thorough evaluation of the history and physical findings, we will come up with a treatment plan that is just right. Click on the link below to learn more about treatment options. To learn more click on the link below
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